Tuesday, October 21, 2008

These kids' minds are so ready for molding...

These kids are great. Show 'em some good old fashioned western boxing and they start a brawl in the hall ways. They come up to me one day and say, "Show me how to do a hook!" "Show me how to throw a straight!" "Jab!" "Upper!"

What other possible alternatives are available to me? None. I'm a teacher, right? So, of course I educate them... and like any good students would do, they put their knowledge to work straight away.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Not gonna lie, this made my day..

I had to take a minute to soak it in, but after further inspection and the tactile response of picking it up, I realized it was real... It made it even better because one kid said, "Hey look, he's taking a picture of your notebook 'cause you're so dumb"

God, I love my job...